WP 8 – Education & Competence

The WP regarding Education & Competence tackles the gap that exists today between information shared in specialist directed channels, and the understanding of precision health and precision cancer medicine information and the progress it entails to patients and the larger public.

Genomic Medicine Sweden and the Lungcancer Association lead the work related to competence building and dissipation of knowledge and awareness around Cancer Precision Health through targeted communication, education and training.

Key Activities & Deliverables:

  1. Co-develop patient information on precision oncology

  2. A list of updated needs in relation to knowledge and competence regarding precision health, co-created with universities, the National Board of Health and Welfare and professional networks with influence over basic and specialist training

  3. Regional education initiatives that enable precision health to benefit patients in an efficient and equal manner


WP 7 – Comprehensive Patient Journeys


WP 9 – Patient Co-creation