
Testbed Sweden Precision Health Cancer is a Vision Zero Cancer flagship initiative and as such applies a mission-oriented innovation approach and design for systemic change. Mission-driven innovation facilitates change in complex adaptive systems by convening and enabling a coalition of the willing who share an overarching vision and working principles.

The only time to prepare for the future is now!

All our thinking, understanding and acting about the future takes place in the present.

In this national testbed for scientific evaluation and implementation of precision health based on the performance of clinical trial pilots, a multitude of stakeholders are coming together to accelerate the national implementation of precision health in cancer throughout the cancer continuum.

Missions are a strategic mechanism to help set the right ambition, acceleration and integrative framework for the change ahead. The partners in Testbed Sweden share the long-term ambition to transform cancer from a life-threatening into a treatable or chronic disease.

In line with United Nations Agenda 2030, Testbed Sweden formulated its mission: By 2030, a more equal and sustainable cancer care in Sweden where every person is offered accurate and individualized prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up – for the greatest possible quality of life.

To deliver on this successfully, key stakeholders along the value chain in cancer care are involved and work together in new ways and across disciplines. Vision Zero Cancer has adapted a model for innovation which effectively works from the stage of ideations to pilot projects and implementation and is developing novel tools and methodology in parallel to driving concrete action towards measurable sub-goals. We call this ‘build the tracks while driving the train’.

Vision Zero Cancer

Vision Zero Cancer acts as the neutral facilitating party that convenes, connects and enables national and international actors from the academic, public sector, private sector and civil society to catalyse concrete actions that lead to measurable improvements in cancer.

Vision Zero Cancer is one out of 5 Swedish mission-driven innovation milieus in health. The concept builds on the tradition and success of ‘Zero Death in Traffic’, a Swedish innovation project launched in 1997 that resulted in a world-wide movement with the same goal and that is widely cited as the inspiration for mission-driven innovation approaches, e.g., in Professor Mariana Mazzucato’s report to the European Commission or the German Vision Zero gemeinsam gegen Krebs/ together against cancer.

In the sense of ‘luck favours the prepared’, missions aim to optimally use as well as create novel opportunities; they thereby combine opportunistic choices within an ontological framework underpinning the overall mission goal.

Missions need to ‘build the tracks while driving the train’, this means to develop novel tools and methodology in parallel to driving concrete action towards measurable sub-goals.

Watch our video to learn more about how we work with mission-oriented innovation in cancer control, making sure diverse actors meet so that we together can reorient and adapt for a healthier and more sustainable future >>>

Our five key principles of vision-driven innovation

Begin with the end in mind.

Coalition of the willing.

Luck favours the prepared.

Build the tracks while driving the train.

Dare to lead in complexity.